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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Info about the Nicest Igloo Contest.

Well, this is the information about the nicest igloo contest.well, you might be thinking that i like a backyard look, but nope, i dont, i see the following amazing:
-Ship igloo
-Split level igloo(any color)
-Smoove music(means "Not rocking music")
-Creative designing
-Number of people loving it
well those were the applications now lets see the criteria:
* Igloo = 10 points
* Music = 10 points
* Creative designing = 20 points
* number of people loving it = 10 points
A total of : 50 points.
Hope that you can participate!
ill post details on when im going to have another Tnic!(The Nicest Igloo Contest).
So now Pizza pack and Pingujozze, are the 1st TNIC WINNERS!!!
So now try your best to decorate your igloo, and by anytime i might drop by to a server and check out some igloos!
so hope you will participate!
~Jolibee Best, President~

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