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Friday, August 22, 2008

The free items!

Kool! Free Items!
It's a red paint!
Here's how to get it:
Go to town
Go to the Coffee Shop
Click on the painted with mirror table
Then you got it!

Kool! Another free item!
It's a Blue paint!
Here's how to get it:!
Go to the plaza
Go inside of the Pizza Parlor
Click on the painted with mirror table
then you got it!
~Prettylou18,Incharge of photography~

It's the penguin games!!

Kool! Click the medal, and to see the games...
Penguin Games Games board!
1st game: The marathon, at the Ski Village- and ending to the cove.
Path: Ski Village-Beach-Dock-Town-Snowforts-Forest-Cove..
But the catch is, you have to light all lights, and wait until the countdown is over.
Then you can get your prize, IF! You complete all games!
2nd Game: The Three Lap Race, at the Iceberg-ending still at the iceberg(it's just small).
Still desame at the Marathon, You have to light all lights!
And there are: 3 laps!
3rd game: The Freestyle swim, at the Uderground pool/Cave...
You have to swim, 5 Lengths! I had trouble at first then i realize how to play it!
Just stay at the Starting line
When the countdown says GO!!
Then swim to the end of the pool, then just do it unitl 5 lengths
if you reach five lengths
Go to the starting line,
then YOU WON!!!
Well hope you got the medal! it's awesome plus! Spectacular!
~Prettylou18,Incharge of photography & Geepee16,Chief Cheats~
(Note: We got permission to Jolibee Best,President-that we are going to post a blog for you!)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Penguin games!

Huury! Choose a team!
The mascots are:
Blue team: Mullet the fish
Red team: Moose the Moose
They aRE all located at the
"Ski Lodge"
So hurry! pick a team!!!
Are you in training?
If yes!
Keep on training!
If not..
Start now!
And if you do good in the games you'll win a prize!
And of course
You have to compete for the free items!
So train train train!!!
Good luck!
~Jolibee Best, President~


Well, as you can see it says:
James17548 is at their igloo.
Well over here
No one's here! only me!
awesome ha? Kool, Notice! what a great notice!
well, hope you wondered it!
they already fixed the notice!
~Jolibee Best,President~

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another contest!

This are thwe pictures of the winners!
This picture is 2ND PLACE and its: Bballnicky97's igloo, congratulations!

This was the prom of the first placer... we had it in the night club
here's the catch!(can u find me and the first placer), you will know the first placer at the last picture. And this is the home of the 1st placer!
And she is:WAPHER!!!
Wapher was really proud of herself!
she thanked me so much! well it was my pleasure.

well, at the bottom is their scorechart... if your reading this wapher and bballnicky97.. hope it amaze you...

Name Igloo(10 points) Music(10) Design(20) no.of people(10) Total(50)

Wapher 5 10 20 10 45

Bballnicky97 5 10 20 10 35

So that was the scorechart! now it's time to go.

hope you wer amazed!

~Jolibee Best,President~

Info about the Nicest Igloo Contest.

Well, this is the information about the nicest igloo contest.well, you might be thinking that i like a backyard look, but nope, i dont, i see the following amazing:
-Ship igloo
-Split level igloo(any color)
-Smoove music(means "Not rocking music")
-Creative designing
-Number of people loving it
well those were the applications now lets see the criteria:
* Igloo = 10 points
* Music = 10 points
* Creative designing = 20 points
* number of people loving it = 10 points
A total of : 50 points.
Hope that you can participate!
ill post details on when im going to have another Tnic!(The Nicest Igloo Contest).
So now Pizza pack and Pingujozze, are the 1st TNIC WINNERS!!!
So now try your best to decorate your igloo, and by anytime i might drop by to a server and check out some igloos!
so hope you will participate!
~Jolibee Best, President~

The Nicest Igloo Contest

This has been made by two very special penguin friends: Pizza pack and pingujozze... Well, this igloo really amaze me!! This has been the most coolest igloo i have ever seen!
Well guyz if your readung this, Congratulations! For the first time you met me, in penguin style, because the others doesent know who i am, so Congratulations Pizza pack and pingujozze!! hope you had a great pizza business...
you might be asking yourself(when your a member) how can i be named "The Nicest Igloo Winner?" Well check out more of my blogs to find out!
~Jolibee Best, President~

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Info about the"Biggy winnie the pooh honey bee"

Well, you might be wondering "What's a biggy winnie the pooh honey bee?" Well, i've got the answer, the biggy winnie the pooh honey bee is all about a contest, everytime there's a contest i display winnie the pooh like on top of my blog...

see, now hope you wil participate on my contest. and who ever will win Will receive a prize from me! Jolibee Best aka The president...

So hope you know all about the Biggy winnie the pooh honey bee winner... So maybe soon ill give out one contest!...

And maybe ill give away a free non-member penguin, because im thinking a non-member wil be great so that you can first learn how to handle a non-member penguin, it's your choice, Just go to this site..

and ask mimo777, and i'll tell mimo777 if you are worthy to be a member.

so hope you will try to participate. :)


~Jolibee Best,president~

August Igloo upgrade cheats

Well, the cheats are here for the August igloo upgrade cheats, so these are the following cheats:
First: A new igloo its a gym and a ship igloo
Second and third: Stone igloo (oblong)
Fourth and fifth: stone igloo (circle/round)
well, now you have it, so hope thats your igloo.... haha lolz! so hope you liked my August igloo upgrade cheats See ya, read more and visit more of my blogs. so that you can have many updates on contest and Fast post party....
And maybe you can be the biggy winnie the pooh honey bee!
~Jolibee Best, President~


August upgrade igloo cheats

Wow!it's the August upgrade igloo cheats! i wonder what we have today...... now try to see what my cheats are for today...
the first cheat is: There's a new igloo upgrade its a gym and a ship igloo...
the second and the third one is: a secret stone igloo(oblong)
the fourth and fifth one is: a secret stone deluxe igloo(circle/round)
well, i think you all know what those are, so hope you did it....
good luck!
~Jolibee Best, President~

August Cheats

Well thats the first cheats just understand it.... yeah this might be very long! :)Thats it! Im done! just follow it... kkk
Read more of my blogs to see or find out more cheats!
~Jolibee best, president~

Fast post party is no officially! CLOSED!!

Well my Fast post party is now closed! Thanks to all of you who came to my party.. I had a great party! Hope you enjoyed it! read more blogs by me jolibee best So that you can get more updates in fast post parties and contest!
~Jolibee Best, president~

A Fast Post party!

Kool its a fast post party! better be Quick!
follow the directions!:
1. Go to blizzard
2. Go to town, pizza parlor, beach, captains quarters, iceberg..
3. Quick!!! Finde me!!
~Jolibee Best, president~

Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's a dodgeball pin!

kool! i saw a dodgeball pin!
Here's how to get it:
1. Click map
2. Click plaza
3. Go in the stage
4. Now go to the red dodgeball pin.
hope you found it!
~Jolibee best, president~

Rockhopper's Here!

Kool Rockhopper is here, Here's how you can find him
- Rockhopper is a hopping penguin he doesent really hop.
he just hops so fast!
he like spends maybe 10 minutes on each server, thats why you dont know where he really is that much, visit this places.
* Rockhopper wants to eat so go to the pizza parlor..
* Rockhopper wants to go and explore so go to the Iceberg!
* Rockhopper wants to spend time near his ship so go to the Beach
* Rockhopper wants to spend time sometimes alone in his ship so visit the Captains Quarters!
Well thats it tell me if you saw him anywhere. And you can also maybe receive a prize from me and him..
~Jolibee best, president~

ClubpenguinCheats Moderators is Now OPEN!

Wow guys, Janna0515 is now looking for co-moderators! better start commenting.. here's how to enter:

- Click "Post a comment"

- then type there. Dear Janna0515, then your message, then say why you want to be a clubpenguincheats co-moderator..

- then type in your Penguin name

- then post it.

- then just wait until we closed the contest and we announce the biggy winnie the pooh penguincheats co-moderators!

And now on top is Janna0515!
Good luck!
~Jolibee Best, President~

Clubpenguincheats People

I am Happy to announce that i am going to Dedicate clubpenguincheats people, they are the following:
~Jolibee Best - President
~Geepee16 - Chief Cheats
~Prettylou18 - Incharge of Photography
~Janna0515 - Clubpenguincheats Moderator
~Aya firass
Well, maybe your wondering if you can be a moderator...
Well, that's true you can be an official clubpenguincheats moderator! Janna0515 is the Head-clubpenguincheats-moderator..
So that you can be an official clubpenguincheats Moderator you have to work hard....
well good luck! bye!

Welcome message

Hello everyone! Hi I'm Jolibee best! I hope you will like my blogsite! it's full of cheats in Clubpenguin.. So i really wish you could help me in my new cheat site... Dont worry, i Am also planning to put Fast post parties! so hope you can make it. and Im going to put contest. and You can have prizes!!.,. by me of course. So please enjoy my site!
Your's Truly,
Your friend
~Jolibee Best~